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Associate Degree in Philosophy


Coaches and Scouts, $32,748.99

Philosophy and Religion Teacher, Postsecondary, $99,925.13

Source: EMSI, 2021.1 dataset for San Bernardino and Riverside counties 

Career Info

An associate of arts in philosophy degree can prepare you with highly marketable, highly transferable skills that are a stepping stone toward most career paths. It is also the foundation for four-year college studies in philosophy and a variety of liberal arts fields.

Potential Careers

While it might be difficult to find positions as a professional “philosopher,” a philosophy degree can lead to a number of jobs that seek candidates with this training or degrees in liberal arts or humanities. Among the fields where philosophy degrees are most prominent are:

  • Education
  • Journalism
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Law
  • Criminal justice
  • Politics
  • Business
  • Public service
  • Diplomacy
  • Foreign service